Thyme and lemon marinade
1 teaspoon ground Klenk thyme 1 tsp Klenk pepper, ground white 1 tsp sea salt 1 teaspoon klenk curry 125 ml olive oil Juice of 2 lemons...
Thyme and lemon marinade
Low-carb psyllium husk bread
Low-calorie crispy pizza base
Fruit tea
Low carb crackers
Fruity berry smoothie
Beer marinade with herbs
Make your own gingerbread hearts
Bake gingerbread hearts with the Klenk gingerbread spice!
Golden milk
Dye Easter eggs naturally with Klenk
Red garlic marinade
Mint lemon ice cream
Ginger lemon iced tea
Lavender lemon ice cream
Mulled wine or children's punch?
Oh, how that smells!
Gingerbread hearts for the 2nd Advent
Baked potatoes from the oven
“Lovely morning greeting” iced tea